About me.

Hey! I’m Kelsey & I am so happy you’re here! 

I am an E-RYT 200 & a NASM CPT.

(Yoga Teacher & Personal Trainer). 

A Brief History:

I have spent a large majority of my life thus far as a dancer. I have been a part of Harbour Dance Centre’s Intensive Training Program (2013) & The Source Dance Company (2015). When I am dancing, I feel like the most raw & genuine version of myself. To find where I happily fit, I experimented with many careers. Through trial & error I finally found a career that feels authentic & aligned with who I am. I completed my 200 Hour Yoga Certification under Melanie Palis with (now) Soul Thrive in 2017. I completed my Personal Training Certification with NASM in 2020. 

So much of my time on this earth has been focused on my physical body & movement. In shifting some of my focus towards the spiritual/philosophical aspects of yoga, reading, listening & learning, I have come to appreciate that mental health & self-care is equally as important as our physical health. “Health” means so much more than what our bodies LOOK like. 

In This Present Moment: 

My intention as a teacher & trainer is to create & hold a space for individuals to feel empowered, supported, challenged, safe, connected, loved, authentic & healthy – inside & out; for each individual to never feel shamed & to know they are enough. We will move, reflect, breathe, build strength, find ease, rest & grow. 


My intention as a human is to bring a little sunshine & light to everything I do. To continue to be curious, to learn & to grow. 


Lets grow together. I look forward to sharing energy with you.